10 Simple Things That Improve Your Life TODAY!

Have you ever wondered why the lives of others seem so much more inspiring, passionate and exciting?

They travel, feel adventures, tell the craziest stories, and meet the virtually interesting people.

How practise they manage to live this incredible life while you sit at home and surf through the web…

What is the clandestine of these people?

One time yous go it, you can always take your life to the next level, no matter where y'all are or what you exercise.

This article is for all those who are tired of leading an average life.

You will learn:

  • 10 Simple things that will amend your life in 7 days
  • How nearly people neglect want to better the quality of their lives
  • Why you have an old-fashioned brain that needs an update
  • The #1 habit of the most successful people
  • How to better yourself everyday without spending money
  • Many more life changers…

By the way, have you seen my complimentary Transformation Kit?

You'll get my best stuff absolutely free: 12 Opening lines that actually work, my 5 best texting tips (including copy-paste lines for Tinder), and the Friendzone Houdini. Download the Transformation Kit hither.

How to better you life: Take control

We're good at not doing things we know would serve united states.

Nigh people are true masters at it:

  • They are on a diet but catch themselves eating the second pizza this week
  • They sign a fitness contract for a whole year, and 2 months afterward they forget what a dumbbell looks like
  • They prepare themselves a financial goal, merely play Candy Shell instead of pursuing it
  • They desire to travel to New Zealand just never book a flying

Why are we acting similar this?

Tony Robbins once said:

"Nosotros know what to do. The problem is, we don't do what nosotros know."

How much could your life improve if you just grabbed it by the balls, and went through the things you lot know will aid you?

How much more money could you make? How much better would you look in the mirror? How many more women would you meet?

What the hell's stopping u.s.?

The answer is: our brain.

Information technology almost seems as if it wants us to be anti-social, get a beer belly and go broke.

But in fact, it only wants to protect us.

If you have ever studied psychology, you lot take probably heard of instincts.

These are behaviors that are innate to a living beingness, and therefore practice non need to be learned.

Many of these instincts used to exist essential for survival, but today they can gnaw at our happiness, especially because they are not upwardly-to-date.


  • In times when there were giant cave bears and sabretooths merely waiting to devour you with skin and hair, it made sense to be extremely economical with energy – y'all could soon need it to Usain Commodities yourself into rubber.
  • When wintertime approaches, information technology is helpful to build up body fat. Fat cells are basically contained energy for later use. This is very useful for times when in that location is less food.
  • If you live in a tribe with 50 people, it was appropriate (unless you were the alpha male person!) to hide your sexuality. You would take risked beingness sliced up with a abrupt stone by a jealous admirer. Sexy cavewoman… prissy! Seeing your intestines scattered in the cavern, while your eyes get heavier and heavier… not so dainty!

These evolutionary instincts can sabotage you for three reasons:

  1. They are securely rooted in you lot on a neurological and emotional level
  2. They are in your SUBCONSCIOUSNESS
  3. They have a stronger influence on your behavior than your rational decision to eat zucchini and chicken, go to the gym or talk to that girl yous similar

As you lot can run across, it is not fifty-fifty your fault that y'all cannot make the quality of your life amend. There is but a problem with your software.

The figurer in your caput is in need of an update.

This web log post is your patch.

After the patch your encephalon volition be wired to go forth and change your life.

A fulfilled life through irrationality

I still remember the moment when I was about to approach a woman for the first time in my life.

My brain immediately gave me 1000 reasons why information technology is absolutely impossible to walk up to this girl and say "Hi".

"Your hair's non right today."
"She doesn't look open up for a chat."
"She looks quite immature. Who knows if she's 18 nevertheless?"
"You could make a fool of yourself in front of everyone."
"You don't accept much time anyhow."

I listened to my thoughts and went home, disappointed with myself.

For me personally, in that location is no shittier feeling than regret.

When I desire to exercise something, but don't do it, because I am bitching out, I seize with teeth myself in the ass for days.

What should I have done that day?

Right. I shouldn't have listened to my thoughts.

There is a lesson to be learned.

Think back to the craziest and well-nigh memorable things you lot've e'er experienced or done…

Exercise you have any in mind?

And so respond one question:

Did they ascend from a rational decision or rather from spontaneity and a "fuck it" mentality?

If you want to lead an epic, successful life, you lot demand to make sure that your mind and body are constantly challenged with something new.

The more often you go out your apartment to explore AND TEST all the possibilities that life offers, the more often you teach your outdated brain that information technology is not only okay to go out the comfort zone, merely incredibly worthwhile!

I'thousand not telling you to skip school or classes, ignore all responsibilities and abuse drugs. Please, don't be a fool…

Just make modest, irrational moments part of your everyday life.

Be it…

  • Cliff jumping
  • A spontaneous weekend trip
  • A game of strip poker with friends
  • Creating a funny YouTube video
  • Calling a random number to tell a joke

Irrationality tin sweeten your life and teach your body not to constantly listen to your stupid, inhibiting thoughts.

No more than excuses!

10 things how to improve your quality of life

You exercise non accept to flip your everyday life upside downwards to amend your life.

Some things are amazingly uncomplicated, free of charge and yet have a bombastic effect that puts your life in the right direction.

Leeeet's get prepare to rumbleeeeeee…

Tip #one : How to improve your social life

Maybe you lot already are social, only if you are like near people, information technology could use a little boost.

Fifty-fifty if information technology doesn't seem like it sometimes, man beings have a strong need for social contact.

Of course, yous experience good, when you lot have a lot of women around you. 😉

In a scientific paper 148 studies were analyzed to acquire more than about the influence of friendships on health. The researcher's conclusion was that people who take many social circles are mostly much healthier.

Not a very social person yourself? No worries. This is a skill y'all can learn.

Read this article to get the whole picture:

>> 23 Piece of cake Means to Be More Social with Women as an Introvert

Let's continue going with the next indicate:

Tip #two : Health = Life

If y'all're thinking "Fuck health, I don't care about that in my life", and so hold on for a moment, G'lord.

We practise not alive to be salubrious, but health and happiness usually become manus in hand.

This report shows that happy people are healthier.

Since this is a bi-directional relationship, the whole thing also works the other mode effectually: salubrious people are happier.

If y'all are less sick, you are besides more productive. If you are more productive, y'all tin can earn more money.

Solid health helps y'all to get into a positive spiral that constantly takes your life to new heights.

Here are 5 scientifically proven means to improve your health:

  • Drink more water: Well-nigh people concentrate on 2 liters a mean solar day, only that is way too vague. How much y'all have to potable depends on your gender, how much you lot exercise and what type of nutrient you eat. A better rule of thumb is: If your pee is non colorless, drink a big glass of water immediately.
  • Take walks in nature: They have been proven to assist against low and obesity.
  • Eat your fucking vegetables: If there is a constant lack of certain micronutrients, you lot need not be surprised if you become sick all the fourth dimension.
  • Stop smoking: That would be ideal. Merely if you can manage to inhale fewer cigarettes a week, that is already neat. Merely I suggest you to simply exist rigorous and end it birthday.
  • Reduce stress: Stress is one of the biggest risk factors for our health. You will learn more than about my favorite method to become rid of stress later!

Tip #3 : How to ameliorate your lifestyle: Start similar a winner

I used to be the biggest morning grouch the world has ever seen. In that location was absolutely nothing I detested more than getting up in the morning. Luckily, I was as well too tired to kill myself.

All twenty-four hours long I suffered from constant fatigue. My productivity was sufficient, but far from where I wanted it to be.

One of the things that changed my life positively was waking up the correct mode.

The bestselling writer Tim Ferris likes to say:

"Win the forenoon, win the day".

Pressing the snooze button 3 times, leads to a delayed outset of the twenty-four hour period. Failing in the morning sets a bad rhythm for the remainder of your day.

Here are v methods to improve your life the coming morning time:

  • Ever get up at the same time: Your body will adjust and make it easier and easier for you lot to get out of bed.
  • No snoozing! Get up with the first ring of the alarm clock. I know it sometimes seems incommunicable, but you lot feel much better when yous do it. No count downwardly, no snooze, but get up no matter what. Placing your alarm clock out of arm's reach is a good thought.
  • Morning time ritual: Routines make your life easier. You lot don't accept to retrieve about what to practise in the morning, y'all just execute. Put together a morn ritual that you will follow equally closely as possible. I start mine with simple yoga stretches, meditation, journaling and a healthy breakfast.
  • Quality > Quantity: The elapsing of your slumber is less important than the quality. While yous should still allow enough time for slumber, you should besides make the necessary arrangements to ensure that it will be a restful sleep. A darkened, noiseless and cool (between 15 and 18 degrees) room will help you sleep like a babe.

Now that you take improved your morning. And therefore your twenty-four hours. It's time to have a wait at your fiscal quality of life.

Tip #4 : Save coin

I don't think I accept to explain how having some spare coin can improve your life.

Y'all tin can either utilise it to pay off debts, invest money in something, or spend it on the things that brand yous happy.

Here are iii methods to accept more coin:

  • Try minimalism: Ask yourself before every purchase whether you really need that object and whether it adds value to your life. If the respond is "no," and so put that bloody matter back on the shelf. Who are we actually trying to impress?
  • Pay cash: Of course, the credit card likewise has its advantages. The danger is that you quickly lose the feeling of how much money you lot take already spent this month.
  • Sell things you don't demand: I am sure you lot have books you are non going to read a second time. And I know a bookshelf is kind of a cool thing to have. Simply if you know for a fact that you won't read a volume a second fourth dimension, just sell information technology. By doing that, y'all can make another person wiser and smarter and yourself a bit richer.

Finance. Check.

Time to meliorate your body.

Tip #v : Practise sports

A thousand people accept told you a thousand times that working out is good for you. Perhaps they are right…

In my (accurate) opinion, the benefits of regular exercise are totally underestimated.

An athletic body is non only useful for looking proficient naked.

Hither are v reasons why yous should offset working out today:

  • Improved brain performance: Studies have shown that do can increase your memory and your capacity to learn quicker
  • Meliorate posture: I accept often talked about how of import posture is for basically everything. Amend posture = more charisma = more than influence = more confidence = more punani.
  • Self-esteem: It'due south not but about improving your appearance. Regular exercise ensures that endorphins are released in your body. Y'all become a feeling of success as if you had just climbed Mountain Everest. The social aspect, specially in team sports, should not be underestimated either.
  • Less frequently ill: Your immune organisation gets stronger too.
  • Ameliorate sex: Studies have shown that practice can increase your want for sexual practice and prevent erection issues.

A modest side notation for the last ane:

If you wanna accept your sex life to the next level, you lot should learn everything you lot can near sexual attraction.

Guess what? I wrote an entire article nearly, cheque it out:

>> Sexual Attraction – 15 Things She Wants Yous to Know, But Volition Never Tell Yous

Tip #6 : Freeze to death

Wait wut??

What I hateful:

Cold showers.

I have benefited greatly from common cold showers. I knew that they were good for my immune organisation, but that was not the reason why I decided to betrayal myself to "hello micropenis" levels of temperature.

I did information technology for the heed.

And I was far from wrong in thinking that cold showers could assist me.

Cold showers increment your willpower and emotional resilience.

This study shows that cold water acts as an oxidative stressor on your nervous system. Your body adapts over time and you become a relaxed, cool, badass dude.

I NEVER FELT Similar DOING IT. But I just knew how much better I would feel afterwards. Then I developed a "fuck it!" mentality and just went for it.

This as well reduced the arroyo feet I used to have with women, considering it's exactly the same situation:

You don't want to exercise it, then say "fuck it" and simply practise it anyhow.

Damn this shit improves your quality of life big time.

Tip #7 : Amend other'south lives

By that I don't mean that you lot should put on white gloves, and curve down to clean the shoes of someone who doesn't respect yous.

But there is something that makes yourself and other happy:


The scientifically-proven benefits you lot can derive from giving value are enormous:

  • Release of Endorphins, those thingies in your body that make you feel good
  • Improved physical health
  • Stress relief

Ask yourself:

  • How tin can I help others?
  • In what ways exercise I bring value to the lives of others?
  • Can I practice something well-nigh people tin can't?
  • Do I have something that others do not?

Your ultimate goal should be to requite more than y'all take. Sounds a footling woo-woo and reminds of the concept of karma, I know.

Don't worry, you won't be reincarnated as a rat if you don't requite value (as far as I can tell), simply it is a logical consequence that others will desire to spend fourth dimension with you if y'all requite more y'all take.


  • Be the one who goes out with your buddy when he's heartbroken
  • Be the person who helps, when a friend is moving
  • Take trampers with y'all, when you are on the route
  • Be the wingman that keeps the overweight girlfriend decorated so that your buddy can talk to the daughter he likes (I do that all the time haha)
  • Be the man to compliment your colleague on doing a not bad job

Not comfortable complimenting people? If you lot want to know how to exercise it correct, you should read this commodity:

>> Compliments for Women: #1 Guide to Make Her Melt for You lot

Improving your ain life means improving someone else's life.


Tip #8 : Read books

I recollect it'southward arrogant not to read books.


In that location are people out there who have made it their life's work to carefully write down the knowledge, some of which has been collected over centuries…

And then there are actually people who merits that they don't demand books… WTF!

I refer to these people as octopuses.

And this is by no ways meant as an insult. Ok, maybe just a little…

Let me explain.

Octopuses are fascinating creatures! They are characterized by a highly adult nervous system, which makes them extremely adaptive and intelligent.

The trouble with the octopus, even so, is that it reproduces only once and dies a few weeks afterward reproduction. It is also a loner.

Thus the rational development of the octopus is extremely express. Instead of learning from each other, each octopus has to brand the aforementioned mistakes equally every other octopus…

Many people behave that way too. They brand mistakes that thou others have made before them, and they have actually written books nigh how to avert these mistakes!

Acuminate your mind. Don't be an octopus.

Tip #nine : How to improve your spiritual life

For his book "Tribe of Mentors" Tim Ferriss interviewed 140 World-Class Performers from various fields.

He claims that 90% of the nigh successful people meditate – whether information technology be in tennis, cryptocurrency, or cooking.

I'thousand aware that many have strange ideas almost information technology.

Many people immediately picture a Chinese monk with a long, white bristles, sitting cross-legged on a mountain for decades, absorbing the sunlight.

Or they call back of a yoga trainer dressed in white, posing for women'south magazines.

Yet meditation is very uncomplicated, practical, and anything simply Woo-Woo.

An eight-week study has plant that meditation can change your brain positively.

Although it is more associated with relaxation and inner peace, it can actually amend the synaptic structure of your brain, and increase gray matter.

This brings cognitive and psychological benefits that tin fundamentally modify your life for the improve.

Kickoff meditating today. This demand not take an 60 minutes. 10 minutes every morning is sufficient.

If y'all demand someone to concord your mitt while you do this, I recommend apps like Headspace or At-home.

Tip #ten : How to change your life

If I could give just one slice of advice to people who desire to know how to live a more exciting life, then it would be:

Travel as much as you lot tin can.

And I'm non talking near the typical holiday with a strict timetable.

No, I am talking almost an chance.

Travel somewhere you have never been before, with an open timetable and the will to observe new places and meet interesting people.

Over the wintertime of 2015, for example, I traveled to Malaysia. I didn't have a plan and didn't book whatsoever accommodation before.

After a few days, I spontaneously decided to take a speed ferry to Langkawi Island. I rented a scooter and explored the island.

I drove on and on until I had no idea where I was…

I started talking to an Australian dude I met in a local eating place. He told me that I was only 100 meters away from a waterfall paradise that I should definitely visit.

He was right.

One waterfall after the other and the rocks were smoothly polished past nature so that y'all could slide down without danger. They also formed countless natural pools in which you could cool down similar a king.

I took a picture with my Go-Pro…

I spent hours sliding from pool to pool. Practiced times!

5 reasons why you should travel:

  • You capeesh your home more: How often do you hear people nagging about things you lot would exist happy about in another country? By traveling you remain humble and grateful.
  • Y'all gain more wisdom: Often yous get aware of how fiddling y'all really know almost the world. I noticed that racist and intolerant people rarely go out their country. Travel ensures that you remain open-minded and curious.
  • You got stories to tell: If you've always wondered what to talk about with women on a engagement, you lot may be experiencing too little. When you travel, so many things happen that are non but worth telling, just are captivating when y'all wrap them upward in a story.
  • You get to know yourself: Since you leave backside all the things that ascertain you – be it friends, family, career etc., you are forced to detect yourself.
  • You'll encounter how easy it is to make friends: When you travel, you lot accept a much more open mindset. This is also the case with other people. Many women are more open to flirting and i-night-stands simply because they are in "vacation mode". This natural mode to run across new people can be used in your own city besides.

But how practice you go about meeting so many people for the kickoff fourth dimension?

Things don't have to be awkward. Here are a few simple tips y'all can apply right away:

>> These 7 Tips Saved Me from Awkwardness on the Beginning Meeting

Call up: Traveling can modify your life.

What else are y'all going to change today?

The most of import quality to fundamentally meliorate your life is willpower.

Therefore, I challenge you to implement one of these points today.

I know y'all hate homework, but it comes from a place of empathy and from knowing that 95% of people are too comfy to take their lives to the next level.

Let's see what group yous belong to.

To help y'all with that, I've made my free Transformation Kit for you.

Your bro,
Dan de Ram

End bad-mannered conversations
and painful rejections

My free Transformation Kit will make you irresistible to women.

  • 12 Opening Lines that Actually Work
  • 5 Date Generating Texting Tips (Plus Re-create-Paste Lines for Tinder)
  • The Friendzone Escape-Room Fox

Yeah, give me the Transformation Kit!


Source: https://www.attractiongym.com/how-to-improve-your-life/

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