Review Chapter 3 the Growth of a Young Nation


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  2. THE JEFFERSONIAN ERA: Section 1 • Election of 1800 pitted Thomas Jefferson and his Democratic-Republican Political party vs. John Adams and his Federalist Political party • While Jefferson defeated Adams by 8 electoral votes, he tied his running mate, Aaron Burr • For half-dozen days the House of Reps took vote later on vote until 36 votes after – Jefferson prevailed (Led to 12th Amendment) 3rd President of the U.S. 1800-1808

  3. SIMPLIFYING THE Government • Jefferson's theory of authorities, known as Jeffersonian Republicanism, held that simple, express government was the all-time for the people • Jefferson decentralized the government, cut costs, reduce bureaucracy, and eliminate taxes Jefferson Memorial

  4. JOHN MARSHALL AND THE Ability OF THE SUPREME COURT Before leaving office, John Adams (2d President), attempts to "pack" the Federal courts with Federalists Judges Jefferson argued this was unconstitutional Supreme Court Main Justice Marshall rules in Marbury 5. Madison (1803) that part of the Judicial Deed was unconstitutional Established principle of Judicial Review – the ability of the Supreme Court to declare a law unconstitutional

  5. THE LOUISIANA Buy • Past 1803, French leader Napoleon had abased his dreams of an American Empire • He needed money to fight European wars, and then he accepted Jefferson'south offered of $15,000,000 • More than than doubled the size of our state • Lewis and Clark ordered to get explore new territory

  6. MADISON ELECTED PRESIDENT • After two terms, Jefferson is succeeded by James Madison • Madison was two-term President 1808-1816 • Known every bit the "Begetter of the Constitution, Madison too is known for his leadership during the War of 1812 fourth President 1808-1816

  7. War OF 1812 – U.S. vs. United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland • Causes: British "impressment" (seizingAmericans at bounding main and drafting them into their navy)upset Americans • The War: 1814 – British sack D.C. Burn White business firm • Andrew Jackson leads great victory in New Orleans • Treaty of Ghent signed, Christmas Eve, 1814 British Impressment of U.S. seamen upset Americans

  8. RESULTS OF WAR OF 1812 Results of the war included: • End of the Federalist Party (opposed war) • Encouraged industries in U.S. • Confirmed status of U.S. as a strong, gratuitous, and independent nation Despite the burning of the President's mansion, the U.South. emerged stiff

  9. NATIONALISM SHAPES POLICY • James Monroe was elected president in 1816 • Immediately, Nationalism conspicuously established as key business organization of administration • Treaty with Britain to jointly occupy the Oregon Territory • Adams-Onis Treaty (1819) secured Florida & southern- most areas of SE America

  10. THE MONROE DOCTRINE • In the early on 19th Century, various European countries hinted at increased colonization • In his 1823 accost to Congress, Monroe made it clear to Europe: Don't interfere with Western Hemisphere(MonroeDoctrine)

  11. What thought does this political cartoon convey?

  12. THE Historic period OF JACKSON: Section two • During a time of growing Sectionalism, Andrew Jackson's election in 1828, ushered in a new era of popular democracy

  13. REGIONAL ECONOMIES CREATE DIFFERENCES • The Northeast continued to develop industry while the South and West continued to be more agricultural • The Industrial Revolution reached America past the early on-mid 19th century • New England first to embrace factory organisation • Especially in textile (fabric) mills

  14. SOUTH REMAINS AGRICULTURAL • Meanwhile, the South continued to abound as an agronomical ability • Eli Whitney's invention of the Cotton Gin (1793) fabricated producing cotton fifty-fifty more than assisting • The South became a "Cotton Kingdom" • More than labor was needed – 1790 = 700,000 slaves 1820 = one,500,000 slaves Cotton Gin apace separated cotton fiber from seeds

  15. BALANCING NATIONALISM AND SECTIONALISM • Economical differences created political tension between North & Due south • Every bit the regions moved apart, politicians attempted to keep nation together • Business firm Speaker Henry Clay'southward American Plan chosen for a protective tariff, a National Bank, and an improved infrastructure to assistance travel

  16. THE MISSOURI COMPROMISE • In 1818 settlers in Missouri applied for statehood • Northerners and Southerners disagreed on whether Missouri should be admitted as a "free" state • Henry Dirt organized a compromise in which Missouri was "slave" merely Maine would exist "free" • Also Louisiana Territory carve up at 36 30' north latitude HENRY Clay: THE Dandy COMPROMISER


  18. ELECTION OF ANDREW JACKSON • Jackson, hero of the common human being, won election in 1828 in part because the right to vote had been expanded to more citizens • In the 1824 ballot, won by John Quincy Adams, 350,000 white males voted • In 1828, over 1,000,000 white males voted • Many of the new voters supported the rugged westerner Jackson who also won re-election in 1832 ANDREW JACKSON IS ON THE $20 BILL

  19. JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY • As part of his political philosophy, Jackson sought to grant political power to the mutual people • Chosen The Spoils System or Jacksonian Democracy, Jackson hired his own supporters to supercede the previous administration's staff • Jackson gave abroad many jobs to his friends and political allies

  20. INDIAN REMOVAL ACT - 1830 • Congress, with Jackson's support, passed the Indian Removal Act in 1830 • Under this law, the federal government funded treaties that forced tribes westward • The Cherokee Tribe in Georgia refused and were supported by the Supreme Court • Jackson refused to abide by the Court conclusion • Jackson said, "John Marshall (Supreme Court Chief Justice) has fabricated his decision, now let him enforce information technology." • Trail of Tears followed the Courtroom ruling every bit U.Southward. troops rounded upwardly the Cherokee and drove them west, mostly on foot. . .thousands died

  21. INDIAN REMOVAL - 1830

  22. TARIFF OF "Anathema" • In 1824 and once again in 1828, Congress increased the Import Tariff of 1816 • Southerners called the 1828 Tariff, "a Tariff of Abominations," and blamed it for economic issues in the Due south THE Due north TARIFFS THE SOUTH

  23. NULLIFICATION THREAT • In an effort to gratuitous South Carolina from the tariff, John Calhoun (Jackson'due south VP from S.C.), developed the Theory of Nullification • He believed if a land found an act of Congress to be unconstitutional, it could declare the law void within its borders • Tensions but relieved by a Dirt Compromise Tariff in 1833

  24. JACKSON'S BANK War • Jackson opposed National Bank so he created Pet Banks – so called because they were favored by Jackson's Democrats • Many felt Jackson was acting more than like a Male monarch than a president • In 1832, his opponents formed a new political party – the Whigs

  25. PANIC OF 1837 • In 1836, Democrat Martin Van Buren won the Presidency • He inherited problems from the "Depository financial institution Wars" • Jackson'due south Pet Banks printed money without Gilded backing • In 1837 a panicset in and many banks airtight, accounts went bankrupted, and unemployment soared MARTIN VAN BUREN 1837-1841

  26. HARRISON & TYLER Whig William Henry Harrison defeated Democrat Van Buren in the election of 1840 Harrison, known every bit "Tippecanoe" for a battle he won against natives, died a calendar month into his term His VP, John Tyler became president TYLER 1841-1845 HARRISON 1841

  27. MANIFEST DESTINY: Section iii • In the 1840s Americans became preoccupied with expansion • Many believed that their motility w was predestined by God • Manifest Destiny was the belief that the U.S. would expand "from sea to shining sea"


  29. FAMOUS TRAILS WEST • No highways existed, thus wagon trails served as the roads to the West • Santa Atomic number 26 Trail ran from Independence, Missouri to Santa Fe, New United mexican states • Oregon Trail stretched from Independence to Oregon City, Oregon • Mormons especially utilized the Oregon Trail on their way to Salt Lake City

  30. United mexican states CONTROLS TEXAS • Afterwards 300 years of Spanish rule, Mexican settlers felt at domicile in Texas territory • Mexico won their independence from Spain in 1821 and Texas was theirs • Mexican officials offered land to Americans to make the area more stable • Americans soon outnumbered Mexicans in Texas – trouble started

  31. TEXAS INDEPENDENCE • Stephen Austin established a colony of Americans in Texas • Conflicts intensified between Mexicans and Americans in Texas • One effect was the slaves many Americans had brought with them • Mexico had outlawed slavery in 1829

  32. Retrieve THE ALAMO • Mexican President SantaAnna was adamant to force Texans to obey Mexican law • Santa Anna marched his troops toward San Antonio – at the same time Austin issued a telephone call to artillery for all American Texans • American forces moved into a mission known as the Alamo in 1836 • Afterward 13 days the Mexican troops scaled the walls and slaughtered all 187 Americans THE ALAMO IN SAN ANTONIO

  33. MEXICAN-AMERICAN WAR • 1844 presidential ballot winner, James Polk, eagerly wanted to annex Texas as part of the U.S. • Negotiations failed and U.S. troops moved into Mexican territory in 1845 • America victories soon followed, and in 1848 Mexican leader SantaAnna conceded defeat • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed – U.S. gets (larger) Texas, New United mexican states & California MEXICAN PRESIDENT SANTA ANNA

  34. CALIFORNIA GOLD Blitz • After gold was discovered at Sutter'sMill, migration to California rose from 400 in 1848 to 44,000 in 1850 • Folks who rushed to San Francisco in 1849 became known every bit Xl-niners • By 1857, the total amount of gold mined in California topped $2,000,000,000

  35. THE Market REVOLUTION: Department 4 • The starting time half of the 19th century in America, brought vast changes to technology, transportation, and production • Known as the MarketRevolution, people increasingly bought and sold goods rather than make them for themselves A 19th century market

  36. NEW INVENTIONS HELP ECONOMY • 1837 – Samuel Morse invented the Telegraph • Railroads were condign faster and more than numerous by 1830 surpassing canals as # i ways of send • Robert Fulton invented the Steamboat and by 1830, 200 were on the Mississippi • John Deere'south Turn and Cyrus McCormick'south Reaper improved agriculture Past 1854, 23,000 miles of telegraph wire crossed the state

  37. WORKERS SEEK BETTER Conditions In 1834, Lowell, Massachusetts textile workers went on strike after their wages were lowered – 1 instance of the dozens of strikes in the U.Southward. in the 1830s and 1840s Several industries formed the National Trade Union in 1834 in hopes of bettering their atmospheric condition STRIKES AND UNIONS BECAME More NUMEROUS Afterwards 1830

  38. REFORMING AMERICAN SOCIETY: SECTION 5 • The Second Slap-up Enkindling spread Christianity through revival meetings • Another growing religious group was the Unitarians who emphasized reason as path to perfection • Ralph Waldo Emerson was a Unitarian preacher who adult Transcendentalism • These and other religions became the impetus for reforming social club RALPH WALDO EMERSON

  39. THE ABOLITIONIST Motility • 1820s: Abolitionist movement to free African Americans from slavery arose • Leader was a white radical named WilliamLloyd Garrison • Abolitionist called for immediate emancipation of all slaves

  40. FREDERICK DOUGLASS: AFRICAN AMERICAN LEADER • Freed slave, Frederick Douglass escaped from bandage and became an eloquent abolitionist (critic of slavery) leader • He began an anti-slavery newspaper called, Northstar – named after the star that guided runaway slaves to freedom

  41. TURNER'S REBELLION • The vast majority of African-Americans were enslaved in the South and were subjected to constant degradation • Some rebelled against their status • Most famous revolt was led by Virginia slave Nat Turner • Turner led 50 followers in a defection killing threescore whites – he was caught and executed Turner plans his rebellion

  42. WOMEN AND REFORM • From abolitionism to pedagogy, women worked actively in all reform movements • Throughout the 1800s opportunity for women to get educated increased • 1833: Oberlin College became outset coed institution

  43. WOMEN'S RIGHTS MOVEMENT EMERGES Reform movements of the 19th century spurred the development of a Women'due south movement For example, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott had both been ardent abolitionists In 1848, more than than 300 women participated in a Women'due south Right convention in Seneca Falls, Due north.Y.

  44. THE DIVISIVE POLITICS OF SLAVERY • Over the centuries, the Northern and Southern sections of the United States developed into ii very unlike cultural and economic regions • There were also differences in geography and climate, as well as religious differences

  45. THE SOUTH Before THE WAR • Rural plantation economy • Relied on slave labor • "Peculiar Institution" created tension • Southerners feared the loss of slavery would mean loss of civilization Family working the cotton field on a Plantation

  46. THE NORTH Before THE WAR • The N had a more various economic system • Industry flourished • The North openly opposed slavery in the Southward and the new territories • The North was more urbanized than the South BOSTON HARBOR

  47. SLAVERY IN THE TERRITORIES • The issue of whether slavery in California and the Westward would exist legal led to heated debates in Congress • Aureate rush led to application for statehood for California CALIFORNIA BECAME A STATE IN 1850

  48. COMPROMISE OF 1850 • Southerners threatened secession over issue • Henry Clay again worked a Compromise • For the North: California would be admitted equally complimentary land • For the S: A more effective fugitive slavelaw • Residents of New Mexico & Utah would vote themselves-"popular sovereignty" CONGRESSIONAL DEBATE


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